SLOVAK ULTRA TRAIL is a voluntary organisation (association) of organisers of trail-running ultramarathons and long-distance hikes, which umbrellas most such Slovak events with a trail of 100 km and more. Our activities anyhow also include shorter ultra-trails and long-distance hikes. From the Javornik Mountains, Kysucká vrchovina, Oravská Magura, Lesser and Greater Fatra, Súľovské vrchy, Strážovské vrchy, Považský Inovec, Low Tatra, Kozie chrbty, Nízke Beskydy, Slovenský Kras to Volovec Mountains is where you can find us and get a taste of the atmosphere of a challenging, yet beautiful and unique adventure and get to know the beauty of the Slovak mountain ranges with us. SLOVAK ULTRA TRAIL is also a community of great people, not only runners, but also volunteers and all those, who help us along our trail and without whom none of our work would make sense.