Ultra Fatra is one of the extreme running events in Slovakia in the ultra trail category. The exposed race route leads through the highest peaks, mountain meadows, rocky ledges and nature reserves of the Veľká Fatra National Park. You are guaranteed to taste an unforgettable return to the wilderness. The race, which will take place on 26th of July 2025, is being organized by the o.z. SLOVAK ULTRA TRAIL association. 

With course parameters 55 km / +3700 m, Ultra Fatra belongs to the most demanding 50 km ultra trail races in Slovakia. The course start is in Dolný Harmanec. After the first ascent to Japeň there is a downhill to the village Staré Hory with the first aid station. From here you will join the blue mark to Majerova skala and to the summit of Krížna. From here you will continue on the beautful red marked ridge trail of the Veľká Fatra mountains through Ostredok and Chyžky, where you turn left to the blue marked path to the 2nd aid station (Chata pod Borišovom challet). Afterwards you continue to the summits of another two well known mountains in Veľká Fatra - Ploská and Rakytov. Through Smrekovica with the 3rd aid station the course continues to the Malinô Brdo ski resort (aid station number 4) and the final uphill to Sidorovo. From here it goes mostly down the hill to the town Ružomberok, which is the finish place of Ultra Fatra.

There are four aid stations on the course - in the Staré Hory village, at Chata pod Borišovom challet, at Smrekovica and in ski resort Malinô Brdo. The race organizer provides the possibility of accommodation in the gymnasium of a high school in Ružomberok, shuttle bus from Ružomberok to the start place and baggage transport from the start place to the finish. 

Ultra Fatra 2024 is a part of the 11th edition of Slovak Ultratrail League. The course of Ultra Fatra will be certified by ITRA and will be contained in the list if ITRA National League races.

Race type  Mountain ultramarathon
Organizer      O.z. SLOVAK ULTRA TRAIL
Edition 10.
Date 26. July 2025
Mountains Veľká Fatra
Course parameters 55 km / +3700 m
Start place Dolný Harmanec, parking lot at the Mestské lesy building
Start time 07.00 CET
Course Course information can be found HERE
Aid stations 4
Finish Ružomberok, Námestie Andreja Hlinku square, in front of the Gymnázium sv. Andreja high school
Time limit 13 hours
Web www.ultrafatra.sk
Facebook Link
Instagram Link
E-mail ultrafatra@gmail.com

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