
Východniarska is a mountain ultramarathon and long-distance march for individuals, which continues the tradition of the previous Východniarska stovka race. The route follows the paths through the eastern part of the Slovenské rudohorie mountains, mainly through the part of the Volovské vrchy. 

In the last few editions of Východniarska stovka it was possible to join the short ultra V50 course. Instead of V100 and V50 races a brand new course is coming in 2025 - Východniarska with parameters 85 km / +4200 m.

The race start is located in the small village Kluknava and the finish of the race is in Kysak. New and attractive places will be included on the map of the slovak ultra trail, such like Šľuchta or the Koľvek rocks. Changing the route of the mountain ultramarathon in Volovské vrchy mountains does not to reduce its attractivenes. With 4200 meters of total ascent, it is a nice challenge for the ultra runners. The date of the race remains unchanged: the second weekend in August.

The Východniarska 2025 course is a part of the 11th edition of Slovak Ultratrail League. The course of Východniarska will be certified by ITRA and will be included in the list of ITRA National League races.

Race type  Mountain ultramarathon and long distance march
Edition 1.
Date 9.-10. August 2025
Mountainms Volovské vrchy
Course parameters 85 km / +4200 m 
Start place Kluknava
Start time TBD
Course The information about the courses can be found HERE
Aid stations TBD
Finish Kysak
Time limits TBD
Facebook Link
E-mail info@cassoviatrailrunners.sk

85 km / +4200 m 


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